Our Sponsorship Program aims to empower and support young members of our community in their martial arts journey, providing them with training and essential gear. Our mission extends beyond the physical, as we strive to inspire positive lifestyle changes and reinforce their successes, ultimately enhancing their mental and physical well-being while fostering a sense of security.

Our Sponsored Athletes are required to demonstrate dedication and excellence not only in their martial arts pursuits but also in their home and school lives. We're not just shaping champions for competition; we're nurturing resilient, strong-minded individuals who contribute to our community.

This program is made possible through the generous support of our community, united by the common goal of nurturing confidence in our youth. We invite you to contribute to our GoFundMe campaign to help us continue this essential work.

If you have any questions about the program or how to sponsor a child or teen, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time. We welcome your inquiries and support. Click the button below to check out our GoFundMe page

Sponsorship Program

child in pink long sleeve shirt and yellow pants standing on brown wooden floor
child in pink long sleeve shirt and yellow pants standing on brown wooden floor


2 women in white long sleeve shirt standing on green grass field during daytime
2 women in white long sleeve shirt standing on green grass field during daytime


people wearing karate ji
people wearing karate ji

Getting Sponsored

woman punching the air during golden hour
woman punching the air during golden hour